Welcome to the latest issue of Turning Points.
As the new year is now upon us, we are pleased to announce some exciting new developments within the company. With a new prosthetics lower limb catalogue available to download now, we are certainly starting 2018 as we endeavour to continue. In this issue, we focus on highlights from our centres, paediatric prosthetic developments and new product updates such as the Quha Zona; a revolutionary “new wireless gyroscopic mouse”.
Alongside all of this, we are pleased to share with you many exciting stories from around the Steeper business, including:
- Carter Carrington, an Aston Villa super fan with a unique prosthetic leg
- The cover star of our new Lower Limb Prosthetics Catalogue: Stuart Meikle
- Our exclusive guest post from Dave Ebsworth, para-triathlete and patient at Seacroft Hospital
We’d love to hear your feedback on our newsletters, please drop us an email to marketingteam@steepergroup.com with any comments or suggestions.